Friday, 8 February 2013

The Imperfect Tense

   the imperfect tense is a past tense

   it doesn't use auxiliaries

   it is used to describe something that was or used to happen


So how to you form the imperfect tense?


1. you must find the stem of the verb you are using. To find this go to the nous form of the verb in the present tense and take of the ending, usually "ons". Remember you must be in the nous form of the verb in the present tense.

2. now add your endings

                   je ais

                   tu ais

                   il ait

                   elle ait

                   on ait

                   nous ions

                   vous iez

                   ils aient

                   elles aient

N.B.- weather is talked about in the imperfect tense


eg: I used to play tennis

      je jouais au tennis


      When I was little I often watched Teletubbies

      Quand j'étais petite je regardais les Teletubbies

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