Thursday, 22 March 2012

French is fun! By Izzy and Java

Izzy, I find etre hard can you help me please?
Of course I can java I know a few ways that I can help
Thank you Izzy!
First we can learn Mrs Vandetramp
 Monter         to get
Retourner    to return
Sortir            to get out
Venir             to come
Aller              to go
Naitre           to be born
Descendre    to go down
Entrer            to enter
Tomber          to fall
Rester            to stay
Arriver           to arrive
Mourir           to die
Partir              to leave

Hmmmmm i find it hard to learn by words
Well I’ve got another way, just sing to the tune of twinkle twinkle little star !
Thats a great Idea Izzy!

Sing to twinkle twinkle little star...
Aller, venir, arriver
Tomber , mourir, naitre , entrer
Monter , rester et partir
Retourner, decendre, sortir

Thats a great Idea Izzy! Is that all I need to know?
No, for the etre verbs you need to know the etre Endings. This is to the pink panther tune

Je suis
Tu es
Il est
Elle est
On est
Vous etes
Nous sommes
Ils sont
Elles sont

How about Avoir Izzy? There must be something to learn?
Well here is the easy part, avoir is all the left over verbs !We can sing these to ‘pop goes the weasel’

J’ ai, Tu as, Il a, Elle a, On a, Nous avons,
Vous avez.  Ils sont,  Elles sont, This is our French song !

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